This archive should contain 2 files: GLOBE.GRP 271,436 bytes the Imagine Group file GLOBE.TXT (this text file) This model was constructed from scratch, by me, and I have all the original working files to prove it! So don't worry about commercial copyrights, get rendering! I recently purcha$ed a commercial earth model, and while it is a *bit* more accurate, I was pleased to see how close I came with my model, which was done in 1992! USAGE NOTES: This model is NOT public domain! It and this text file ARE copyright 1994 Fire Mist Media. I think I did a pretty good job with this one, so if you make some $$$ off an animation with it, admit to yourself that you saved either a lot of time or money (or both), and cough up the shareware bucks. Say US $40.00 ? That's a lot less than $400.00! Come to think of it, it's a lot less than $200.00. Send what you can. If it's for personal, non-profit, or fun, just go ahead and use it (a screen credit would be appreciated, if applicable). Who knows, I might be so appreciative I send you some other goodies. The objects: The file is called GLOBE.GRP because it is a group of 3 objects: The continents, the "water", and the "sides" of the continents in case you want that extruded look. As you have received it, the objects are scaled to show a very thin edge around the continents. The base spherical size is 200.0 Imagine units. You'll notice that the land sides and the waterSphere are scaled a bit smaller. Want more of an "edge" to the continents? Scale down the waterSphere a bit. Want no "edge"? Delete that object and enlarge the sphere slightly. Not too much, or the underlying waterSphere will start to poke thru the land in spots. Just do a few tests. The attributes supplied are very plain. Green land, blue water. Since the parts are separate, it should be easy to add a little ice to Antarctica, maybe some desert noise in the arid regions, change the water to silver, whatever. You might want to try a render with the objects as they are, just to see what it looks like in the "base" configuration. This file may be distributed (without charging for it beyond reasonable media cost) in the original archive form, including this text file. Shareware payments, pics, disks, or whatever should be sent to : Fire Mist Media Dept. of Sleepless Nights 14 Merwood Drive Upper Darby PA 19082 USA Email to Compuserve 75145,1441 or Internet at